duminică, 17 ianuarie 2010

RCS & RDS Air Bites bought a year and a half to remove the company from selling

The acquisition of Air Bites is the second significant transaction, which became public after last July operator controlled by Zoltan Teszari bought for around five million euros 30,000 customers in New Com Telecommunications, a leading alternative providers of telecommunications.

Story originally appeared on www.audculori.com, blog of a former employee of Romscot Consult the company for maintenance of networks Air Bites, and later on subiectiv.ro, blog owned by journalist Alex Mihaileanu.

Subscribers Air Bites will receive all five services provided by RCS & RDS: cable television, fixed and mobile telephony, internet and mobile internet.

"Air Bites will know that all contractual rights and obligations are transferred to the company RCS & RDS. The monthly fee will be paid by RCS & RDS to any of the centers Air Bites or any of the points of this RCS & RDS. Also, you invite that until 28.02.2010 to choose one of the packages Digi or services Digi separate "states the website Air Bites, the company that have customers in Bucharest, Iasi, Bacau and several other smaller towns in the area East of Romania.

The company is controlled by the Swiss group Swisscom Central & Eastern Europe, which owns 99.9994% of shares, and Air Bites Slovakia, with 0.0006 stake in the operator, according to data from the Trade Register. Swisscom provides telecommunications services mainly in Switzerland and Italy.

The transaction was concluded on January 6, and speculation of an acquisition of RCS & RDS or Vodafone exit approximately one year, as stated for Wall-Street Radu Petre, a former employee of Romscot.

Moreover, and Dinu Malacopol, general manager of Digital Cable Systems (DCS), one of the leading players in alternative telecom, says Air Bites was on sale for a year and a half and had no buyers, leading to a drop in the value of the company.

The blog of former employee Romscot Consult, Air Bites had about 45,000 subscribers, the deal is 120 euros per customer. Young said that this amount was the one circulated by the company.

Thus, RCS & RDS would be paid for taking subscribers operator around 5.4 million euros, an amount considered high by experts consulted by the Wall-Street.

"It is a sum exaggerated. I do not think the figure of 120 euros can be generalized to all types of clients they have Air Bites that had service analog cable, Internet and telephony. I think it is a deal structured in that part of the money offered now and the rest over a year. A price truthfully I think it would be somewhere at 100 euros with VAT per subscriber, "commented Dinu Malacopol.

Also, since the summer, from the sale of 30,000 customers by RCS & RDS, Mircea Lucăcel, general manager of New Com Telecommunications, said the Wall-Street as prices per subscriber "are between 30 and 120 euros, but will not find buyers over 80 euros just very hard and networks must be improved and approved ".

Moreover, the amount of 5.4 million euros may seem a very large in the context that in 2008, Air Bites had losses of 8.4 million euros in business for 2.9 million euros, according to Ministry of Finance. The company had in 2008 approximately 80 employees.

Although in 2008 had lost 22.9 million euros and debts of 613.3 million euros, the business of 386.7 million euros, the acquisition of RCS & RDS show aggression operator in fighting close to a lead with UPC, but especially with Romtelecom.

Although RCS & RDS has practiced some of the best prices on the market are and clients of Air Bites are not satisfied with the transaction, while others are indifferent.

"At least in Iasi, networks of neighborhood were bought and divided in two: RDS and AirBites. Now with this acquisition we run only RDS. It sucks that disappears competition. UPC's just in certain areas ... "Comments the user Western Forum Softpedia.

"I can not worry about rising rates in RDS due to the decrease competition. That to happen would be to change acceptance owner of Sustainable Business. And what rates have netul phone seems to change soon. Why sell less and expensive when you can sell more and cheaper? That there are some companies in May opportunistic with other understanding of the market that we are interested in us. I one I got tired of players opportunists. So I got customer RDS. If for some reason just would increase rates probably will be slight modifications in addition, 1-2 lei, nothing asked for my pocket, "said Kineceler on the same site.

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